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Fremont Area Community Foundation
The Fremont Area Community Foundation exists to improve the quality of life for residents in Newaygo County. We do this by connecting community needs with the passions of families, businesses, and ind...
Fremont Area Community Foundation - Scholarship
Striving to impact our students and residents. Every year, we award hundreds of scholarships to students and adults pursuing college and career training. These awards are just one way the Community Fo...
Fremont Area Community Foundation - Scholarships
Scholarships Our Scholarships & Awards Scholarships are one way the Community Foundation is impacting our community on the road to Goal 2025. We award hundreds of scholarships each year to high schoo...
Fremont Area Community Foundation - Grants
Grants We do our part to give you the chance to do yours. Fremont Area Community Foundation exists to improve the lives of people in Newaygo County. We do this by connecting the passions of generous f...
Fremont Area Community Foundation - about
About Us Our story begins in 1951 when visionary philanthropists set out to change the future of Newaygo County forever. Local attorney William J. Branstrom—along with Frank Gerber, Horace Loomis, Dic...
Fremont Area Community Foundation - Mecosta County
Mecosta County Mission Mecosta County Community Foundation is dedicated to giving together to enhance our community. Through permanent endowments, MCCF addresses community needs in the areas of arts a...