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Fairplay : Stop Trade Dumping Now
'));var a=function(t){var n=e(".nivo-caption",s);if(i.currentImage.attr("title")!=""&&i.currentImage.attr("title")!=undefined){var r=i.currentImage.attr("title");if(r.substr(0,1)=="#")r=e(r).html();if...
2022 Annual Report - The FairPlay Movement
2022 Annual Report The FairPlay Movement is a not-for-profit trade movement that fights for jobs. Its goal is to end predatory trade practices between countries so that big and small...
The history and future of FairPlay - The FairPlay Movement
To celebrate its fifth anniversary, the FairPlay movement has just published its Special Report for 2021-2022.
About us - The FairPlay Movement
At a glance FairPlay is a not-for-profit advocacy movement founded in 2016 to combat dumping and predatory trade. While dumping […]
Campaigns - The FairPlay Movement
Campaigns The FairPlay Movement is a not-for-profit trade movement that fights for jobs. Its goal is to end predatory trade practices between countries so that big and small nations ...
Expert panel - The FairPlay Movement
Helping us make an impact Our expert panel is comprised of independent specialists, thought leaders and subject-matter experts. They provide […]