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Return To Your First Love With Jesus there is a cycle of Him giving us everything, we then give him everything, he then brings everything back with increase, we then give it back to him with increase....
Sermons - All Sermons
All Sermons Father's Promise Church Looking for a church but not sure where to turn? We want to help you find a home. Our church is dedicated to helping everyday people grow in Christ, and we want t...
About us
ABOUT US We want to see God move in our lives, families & community Together we are a family, community & culture of believers. What does that mean, the words family, community and culture? We believe...
Ministries Men Men's Ministry is a ministry dedicated for the fellowship of men. We truly believe that iron sharpens iron and we want to help the men be the strong leader their family, community and n...
Father's Promise 20th Anniversary
01.09.2021 20 Years! Church Anniversary! Yes, it’s true, it’s been 20 years! It is in some ways hard to believe and in others, are we sure it’s only been 20? What a ride this...
New Here
New Here WHAT TO EXPECT Service starts on Sunday morning at 9:30am. Early prayer begins at 8:45am and is followed by coffee and donuts fellowship in the fellowship hall at 9:00am. Bring your bibles an...