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FFL Resources | Feedists for Fat Liberation
Knowledge is power. Feedists for Fat Liberation is committed to providing tools of empowerment through a multidude of FFL resources.
Fat Liberation 101 - Feedists for Fat Liberation
On August 14, 2022, Feedists for Fat Liberation held the Fat Lib 101 workshop, "Feedism & Fat Liberation: Let's Squash Fatphobia!"
About Feedists for Fat Liberation | About FFL
Feedists for Fat Liberation began in Fall 2020 as a collective of like-minded feedists who felt that, for too long, feedism has ignored the call to fat liberation.
Feedists for Fat Liberation Actions | FFL Actions
In March 2021, FFL came up with four areas to focus on over the next three months: accessibility, awareness, community building, and transformative justice.
Tips & Strategies for Releasing Fatphobia
These tips and strategies were collectively developed at the February 6, 2021 FFL event for unlearning and releasing fatphobia in all forms.
Introducing FFL to Non-Feedist Fat Liberationists
Feedists for Fat Liberation is a non-hierarchical international organising group working toward justice, equality, and liberation for all fat people.