Конкурсы и фестивали России для взрослых, детей, школьников и дошкольников онлайн, заочные и оффлайн
Международная некоммерческая культурная ассоциация Итальянского происхождения организовывает мероприятия для всех артистов любого уровня подготовки и возраста
Non-profit cultural association Italian origin organizes events for all artists of all skill levels and ages, inspired by the concept of the word “art” as a universal language that connects cultures a...
Open International Auditions
FESTIVAL&CONTEST Non-profit cultural association Italian origin organizes events for all artists of all skill levels and ages, inspired by the concept of the word “art” as a universal language that co...
01.09.25 - 15.10.25
VK channel “Festival&Contest”
The first and only of its kind INTERNET - COMPETITION! Are you professionals or lovers of vocal, instrumental, choreographic genre? Do you consid...
For Festival&Contest, Italy is the Motherland, because it is here that the offices of the association operating all over the world are located. And many artists who come here, both professionals...
Special projects
These are not just competitions in choreography, vocals or instrumental creativity. These are large-scale projects, which include, in addition to the competition, where you can get an adequat...