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Creating a Fighting Fantasy Adventure, Step by Step part 1 | Fighting Fantasy .Net
Part 1: Setting up the Book and Creating a Character This is a guide to creating an adventure using the online system. It assumes you have some familiarity with the ideas behind A...
Play | Fighting Fantasy .Net
Creating a Fighting Fantasy Adventure Step by Step, part 2 | Fighting Fantasy .Net
Part 2: Items The details of this procedure is largely outlined in the PaperDoll Library SEL guide article, however I will run through it here. Since most adventures involve gaining items and in some...
FFCombat | Fighting Fantasy .Net
Synopsis: A library to provide functions that will add typical Fighting Fantasy combats to an adventure. Description: While the basic rules for Fighting Fantasy combats are pretty straightforward ther...
Creating a Fighting Fantasy Adventure Step by Step, part 4 | Fighting Fantasy .Net
Part 4: Combat Presently there is really only 1 Fighting Fantasy combat function, albeit with 3 add-on functions (wrappers). Single Combat Most simply to make a combat in your adventure simply say: ...
Creating a Fighting Fantasy Adventure, Step by Step part 3 | Fighting Fantasy .Net
Part 3: Standard Operations There are a a lot of operations that happen frequently in a Fighting Fantasy adventure, this section details how to handle the most common basic ones.