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Blog – Filmic Worlds
An archive of blog posts sorted by date.
Filmic Tonemapping with Piecewise Power Curves – Filmic Worlds
It’s been a long while since the original posts on Filmic Tonemapping, and it is time for an update. For newcomers, the basic premise of Filmic Tonemapping is to simulate the tone curve of film in our...
Visibility Buffer Rendering with Material Graphs – Filmic Worlds
Introduction The last year or so has been strange for everyone. Each of us has been dealing with covid quarantine in our own way, and in my case I’ve been coding. As you likely know, small triangles a...
Optimizing GGX Shaders with dot(L,H) – Filmic Worlds
The GGX distribution is quickly becoming the dominant lighting model games. But the obvious downside over the previous models is shader cost. So I’ve been looking at ways of optimizing it and the im...
Minimal Color Grading Tools – Filmic Worlds
As you have probably noticed, there are a lot of color correction algorithms out there. It can be a bit daunting to figure out the best combination of tools to use on a given project. I’ve personally ...
Decoupled Visibility Multisampling – Filmic Worlds
Adventures in Visibility Rendering Part 1: Visibility Buffer Rendering with Material Graphs Part 2: Decoupled Visibility Multisampling Part 3: Software VRS with Visibility Buffer Rendering Part 4: Vi...