Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
Freudenthal Institute - Freudenthal Collection - Maths and Science
Popular sets for home schooling: HTML5
Freudenthal Instituut - Freudenthal Collectie - Wiskunde/Rekenen en Science
Populaire sets voor onderwijs thuis: Spelletjes
Image annotation ESM
Image annotation ESM Click here or on the picture below to get an 'interactive' version. You can also download the Original picture (in jpg) The images (both original jpg and annotated version...
Rekenen/wiskunde - Freudenthal instituut - DWO
Building with blocks (html5) A number of games together, with several possibilities: free building, copy building, but also with concepts like front, back and side.
Thinklets - Spaceflight
Spaceflight You have been sent on an important mission. The spaceship Flash 7 has a broken turbine and the ship is drifting out of control in the Alpha quadrant. You have to bring the crew the p...
Computerondersteund Modelleren
Powersim Uit verschillende beschikbare programma's hebben wij Powersim Constructor gekozen: Powersim is een grafisch modelleertool (zgn. Powersim kun je met relatief weinig wiskundige voorkennis ...