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MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
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HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Government | Flagler County, FL
Flagler County is governed by five elected Commissioners, each representing one of five geographic county districts, balanced by number of residents. Commissioners are elected at-large; that is, each...
Divisions and Departments | Flagler County, FL
A Senior Center with Congregate Meals Public Transportation
Health and Human Services | Flagler County, FL
The Health and Human Services Department is comprised of four divisions: Human Services, which arranges medical care, emergency rent and utility assistance for low-income adults, as well as administe...
About Us | Flagler County, FL
Known for it's "Old Florida" feel, Flagler County welcomes and is pleased to serve its travelers, visitors, residents, and businesses. Flagler County, Florida is located on the state's northeast coast...
Human Services | Flagler County, FL
Flagler County Human Services provides the following emergency assistance services to low-income, eligible residents: Assistance with past due rent or utilities can be provided two times per household...
Building Department | Flagler County, FL
FLORIDA BUILDING CODE CHANGE Please be advised that the Florida Building Code EIGHTH (2023) Edition and the 2020 National Electric Code will become effective on December 31, 2023. Complete applicatio...