Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Flick Launcher
Features App Shortcuts Thanks to backporting, Flick Launcher brings app shortcuts to everyone! You won’t have to install custom ROMs to have them. You can even choose to enable dynamic colour, that w...
Flick Launcher
My language translation DON'T: replace special characters like %s, %d or %1$s or other special characters or set of characters that doesn't make any sense How to manage up...
Flick Launcher
- Normalized folder icon, now will match icon size (Settings->Folder). - Added option to check corrupted items in database (Settings->Misc). - Bug fix and performance improvements.
Flick Launcher
FAQ App doesn't start and I get "Flick Launcher doesn't pass security check closing" This happens if Flick Launcher is installed from unofficial store. You can solve by delete this ap...
Flick Launcher
Flick Launcher Facile da usare Il nostro obiettivo è rendere lo smartphone davvero intelligente! In effetti, offriamo all'utente molti modi per accedere, personalizzare e bloccare le proprie app, nonc...
Flick Launcher
Add installed apps on homescreen Action Shortcut &app_name; doesn\'t pass security check, closing... - Update 0.3.0 Beta 311 (03/02/2018) Color Flick Start now Color Flick and generate perfect color...