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ForgeDB - About Us
Server, World, & Player Data and Statistics for Forge of Empires Browser Game
ForgeDB - Forge of Empires Player Data & Statistics
ForgeDB Please visit our News page for recent updates and changelogs. We are working on translating the entire website so that you can...
ForgeDB | Forge of Empires Player Data & Statistics
I have received quite a few emails lately and I do my best to reply to each of them but sometimes it takes a bit of time. When a new game update is released, often times the data collection updates fa...
Forge of Empires Game Tips | ForgeDB
You need to enter, at a minimum the server, world, select a GB, and enter a points threshold which determines how many FP are required to level the GB. For instance, if you play United States servers,...
- ForgeDB - International - World Selection
- ForgeDB - United States - World Selection