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Hello, For the Long Hall! — For the Long Hall
Hi Friends! I am so grateful to be sharing the new For the Long Hall with you today. This little space has been important to me for a while but over time it developed into something more… and it deser...
#ForTheLongHall — For the Long Hall
I don’t really know the best way to contextualize my objective for 2020 so I’m just going to ramble and hope it comes together in the end. My biggest learning from 2019 is that I do best when I comm...
Summer Capsule — For the Long Hall
I took a few minutes to round up my summer capsule wardrobe including solid staples at a variety of pricepoints, like: my favorite $13 Amazon sunglasses (these round ones are also a steal and a...
About — For the Long Hall
hi, i’m meg. My name is Meg (Hall - get it?!). I live in West Hartford, CT with my husband Chris and our baby girl Nell. We love living mindfully, classic American style, and bickering about whose tu...
Store — For the Long Hall
Hi, I’M MEG. I live in West Hartford, CT with my husband Chris and our baby girl Nell. We love classic American style and bickering about whose turn it is to unload the dishwasher. Glad you stopped by...
Arhaus Living Room Reveal — For the Long Hall
Arhaus Beale sofa in Nomad Snow Crypton fabric. Family-friendly living room with stain-resistant fabrics.