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Home - St Margaret's School, Edinburgh FP Association
Welcome to our website. The Association supports all those who attended St. Margaret’s School in Edinburgh. We hope that you
Welcome - St Margaret's School, Edinburgh FP Association
Welcome The Association supports all those who attended St Margaret’s School in Edinburgh Welcome to our website. We hope that
History - St Margaret's School, Edinburgh FP Association
Following the closure of the school, great care was taken to ensure that the history of the school was preserved.
News - St Margaret's School, Edinburgh FP Association
It is always delightful to hear from former pupils of their reunions and life long friendships from school days! Vivienne
St Margaret's Chapel Guild - St Margaret's School, Edinburgh FP Association
St Margaret’s Chapel is the oldest part of Edinburgh Castle and the oldest intact building in Edinburgh. It was built
Archives at St George's - St Margaret's School, Edinburgh FP Association
How to visit Contact reception 0131 311 8000 (leave a message for Jill Bryce, confirming your name and contact number)