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About Us | Fournier, Connolly, Shamsey, Mladinich & Polzak P. A.
For over thirty years, the attorneys of Fournier, Connolly, Warren & Shamsey have provided high quality legal representation to local governments in Southwest Florida.
Contact Us | Fournier, Connolly, Warren & Shamsey P. A.
Contact Fournier, Connolly, Warren & Shamsey P. A.
Attorney Bios | Fournier, Connolly, Warren & Shamsey P. A.
Fournier, Connolly, Warren & Shamsey P. A. Attorney Bios
Practice Areas | Fournier, Connolly, Warren & Shamsey P. A.
We practice Local Government Law, Real Estate/Real Property, Land-Use/Zoning, Eminent Domain and Inverse Condemnation, Civil Litigation and Business and Corporate Formation.
Privacy Policy | Fournier, Connolly, Shamsey, Mladinich & Polzak, P.A.
As part of its practice, the firm represents buyers, sellers and lenders in both residential and commercial transactions; the firm also serves as closing/settlement agent and issues title insurance po...
Fournier, Connolly, Shamsey, Mladinich & Polzak, P.A.
For over thirty years, the attorneys of Fournier, Connolly, Shamsey, Mladinich & Polzak have provided high quality legal representation to local governments in Southwest Florida.