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Historic Fourth Ward School Museum • Virginia City, NV
The Fourth Ward School Museum in Virginia City, NV is a community center and a remarkable, historic setting for those wishing to learn about the glorious past of Virginia City and Nevada.
Executive Director’s Announcement | Fourth Ward School Museum
Virginia City, Nevada – The Historic Fourth Ward School Foundation is pleased to welcome Ms. Nora Stefu, MA., as our new Executive Director. Ms. Stefu began her new position on July 15, 2020, and we e...
About | Fourth Ward School Museum
Mission Statement: To connect people to the relevance and importance of the Comstock story through its authentic preservation, interpretive exhibits and programs, and archival resources. Goals: To sup...
Archives | Fourth Ward School Museum
The Historic Fourth Ward School Archives and Research Center holds collections and records that document Comstock history from 1875 to current day. The collection includes: Genealogy information: hist...
School Tours | Fourth Ward School Museum
"The Pride of Virginia [City] is the new school-house...if it is our pride to-day, the time is not far distant when it will be our glory as well."Territorial Enterprise newspaperOctober 15, 1876 Teach...
Support Our “Care-Flow” 2022 Year-End Fundraiser • Fourth Ward School Museum
Help the Historic Fourth Ward School Museum of Virginia City, NV stay warm in the Winter and cool in the Summer.