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FREEDIVERS.NET Aharon & MT Solomons, Alina Tsivkin | Freediving Courses, Freediving Training
Aharon & MT Solomons AIDA Instructors,Freediving courses, freediving training, techniques and tips, REMOTE COACHING ON SPECIFIC PROBLEMS – WHATS STOPPING YOU ?. freediving courses for begginers, inte...
About us | FREEDIVERS.NET Aharon & MT Solomons, Alina Tsivkin
Aharon was involved in military, research, commercial and sports diving education for more than 35 years prior to adopting freediving as his passion. At 78, he is not only one of the most experience...
Freediving Courses Blog - Freediving Training, Courses, Improvement Tips, News and more
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Aharon Solomons explains Frenzel maneuver – Freediving Courses Blog
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Freediving Training and Courses, Policy for Beginners – Freediving Courses Blog
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