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From the Kitchen of Olivia: Vanilla Panna Cotta with Kumquat Gelée
The first time I had panna cotta was this summer when in Norway. Expressly for the purpose of tasting reindeer carpaccio, I ate at a restaur...
From the Kitchen of Olivia: Earl Grey Tea Madeleines
I often contribute recipes to the blog of my friends' tea company, Arbor Teas . Here is the latest recipe I developed using one of their te...
From the Kitchen of Olivia: Matcha Ravioli filled with Spring Pea Garlic Scape Pesto and Italian
I contribute recipes to the blog of my friends' tea company, Arbor Teas . Here is another recipe I created using their matcha tea . Matcha ...
From the Kitchen of Olivia: March 2011
1. Boil unpeeled potatoes whole until tender when stuck with a fork. Let potatoes cool. 2. When potatoes are cooled, peel them and either mash them with a potato masher or force them through a potato ...
From the Kitchen of Olivia: Oeufs en Meurette
I've been neglecting my usual posting schedule these past couple of months for good reason: I bought a house. It was a huge decision that ca...
From the Kitchen of Olivia: In defense of dried beans… and an ancient recipe
A friend recently said she didn’t see the merits of using dried beans. I used to feel the same way. Mostly I think because cooking beans see...