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Fox River Water Reclamation District
The Fox River Water Reclamation District (FRWRD) owns and operates three water reclamation facilities (WRFs): the Albin D. Pagorski WRF (ADP WRF), the North WRF, and the West WRF; and 12 remote pump ...
District Overview | Fox River Water Reclamation District
District Overview The Fox River Water Reclamation District (FRWRD) owns and operates three water reclamation facilities (WRFs): the Albin D. Pagorski WRF (ADP WRF), the North WRF, and the West WRF; an...
Downloads – Community Resources | Fox River Water Reclamation District
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mailing & shipping address: South Elgin, IL 60177
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Departments | Fox River Water Reclamation District
Departments FRWRD employs approximately 45 people, working in a variety of departments to provide service to the community. Some FRWRD facilities are staffed 24 hours a day while others can be operate...