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Fachschaft MACH/CIW | Studentische Interessenvertretung
CVT NachklausurSamstag, 30 Juli, 2016 - 20:38 Hallo liebe Studis, da die Ergebnisse der CVT-Klausur dieses Semester wieder extrem schlecht waren, haben wir uns an den Dekan (Prof. Hubbuch) und die ...
Old Exam Sale SoSe2021 | Fachschaft MACH/CIW
Ordered before Pick-up location: foyer of the Mechanical Engineeering Building (Building 10.23) When: Monday through Friday, 4-6 p.m. Hygiene measures: Safety distance of 1,50m! Pick-up slots to a...
Building competition | Fachschaft MACH/CIW
Unfortunately, we cannot provide all of our content in English. If the selected content is not available in English, you will automatically be redirected to the German page. Building competition W...
Anmeldung Wanderung Master-Ophase | Fachschaft MACH/CIW
Unfortunately, we cannot provide all of our content in English. If the selected content is not available in English, you will automatically be redirected to the German page. Status message ...
Institute tours MACH | Fachschaft MACH/CIW
Unfortunately, we cannot provide all of our content in English. If the selected content is not available in English, you will automatically be redirected to the German page. Institute tours MACH H...
Getting Started | Fachschaft MACH/CIW
Unfortunately, we cannot provide all of our content in English. If the selected content is not available in English, you will automatically be redirected to the German page. You're losing the ov...