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Collections — FunwaresGifts
Funwares™ is all about light - hearted gifts, kitchen - kitsch, and homewares. Our products combine function, creativity and humor to make everyday life and gift - giving fun.
About us — FunwaresGifts
About us Funwares™ is all about light - hearted gifts, kitchen - kitsch, and homewares. Our products combine function, creativity and humor to make everyday life and gift - giving fun. Founded in Hong...
Wholesale — FunwaresGifts
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Contact Us — FunwaresGifts
Get in touch We'd love to hear from you! Use the form to speak with us and we will get back to you. Alternatively, feel free to email us at
Minute of Fun — FunwaresGifts
Compete in nearly 237 different 1-minute challenges. Everything you need to complete the challenge is in this set. You can add more of anything from your house to have even more people compete, but ...
Designers/Inventors — FunwaresGifts
Designers / Inventors We accept submissions from outside designers and inventors and regularly license products and ideas. If you have an design or invention that fits our brand strategy and design p...