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FM Agencija d.o.o.
Radi imamo Lepo in Dobro. To želimo (po)ustvarjati zase in druge. Saj poznate tisti občutek, ko se vam zaradi dobrega doživetja naježi koža in vas napolni z energijo. No, to. Pri tem najbolj uživamo.
Parties | FM Agencija d.o.o.
We designed a series of exclusive events that combine music, charity and art that occur only once every ten years. At the first event, we presented the 1605 ECO fund, which raises money and donates 10...
Search | FM Agencija d.o.o.
For the client’s most important annual conference - HP Horizont 2014, we designed and developed an application that represented the event’s key communication channel. At their first application login,...
- Branded events | FM Agencija d.o.o.
- Search | FM Agencija d.o.o.
Legal notice | FM Agencija d.o.o.
Intellectual Property Rights For the purposes of this legal notice, website is a term that includes all websites at the Internet address (hereinafter: Website). FM Agencija d.o.o...