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Gael Kerchenbaum - Portfolio
Freelance Creature Anatomist - Get in touch!
Gael Kerchenbaum - Blog
Hi everyone, I am very happy to publish this first Artstation Blog Post to speak to you about an Event I created for Artists around London. The VFX Creature's Drink already happened a few times bef...
Gael Kerchenbaum - Tutorials and Courses
Tutorials and Courses by Gael Kerchenbaum.
Gael Kerchenbaum - From Ashes - Clay Render
A dragon sculpt I share this project with you. I hope that one day I'll be able to move this guy to retopo and texturing !
Gael Kerchenbaum - Green - Quarter Horse ecorche 3dtotal
This is Green, our Quarter Horse /Equidae ecorche. Green is available to order / pre-order on 3dtotal : -
Gael Kerchenbaum - Tiger anatomy study
This is a model I made in my free time. I spent one day on the body, a bit more on the face. I used Zbrush to model and Arnold for the render. I hope you'll like it. Feel free to share !