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Hello World: The Legend behind the Cavadee
Hello World Today in most countries, people are celebrating the Thaipoosam Cavadee or Kavadi. Many people must be wondering why people car...
Hello World: In the world of Gypsies
Hello World! Gypsy, gitane, bohemian,.... all those names resonate the sound of freedom and from all societal conventi...
Hello World: 2011
I will always remember the day how I decided to start blogging…on an impulse… not knowing what kind of blog I will have…what it will be the title or subtitle… all decided on an itch…jus...
Hello World: February 2010
>> Sunday, February 28, 2010 Today I went to my uncle place... he happens to live on one of the villages found on the western coast... Don’t know about but think in Mauritius, we no more have the onc...
Hello World: New Chapter......
Hello World!!! 2010 already made its farewell...leaving behind it a memory book full of wonderful experience...full of surprises... ...
Hello World: Retrospective: after one year of blogging....
Hello World!!!! My first blogging anniversary...who would have believe it.... Last year at this very moment I was over-stressed, lost...