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Gallaher Plastic Surgery & Spa MD | Knoxville Plastic Surgery
Gallaher Plastic Surgery & Spa MD, lead by Dr. Tom Gallaher, specializes in surgical & non-surgical treatments for patients in Knoxville TN & East Tennessee
About Our Practice Knoxville, TN | Gallaher Plastic Surgery & Spa MD
We provide a breadth of surgical, non-surgical, and medical spa services to help patients achieve their cosmetic goals. Call to schedule your appointment!
Meet Our Staff | Gallaher Plastic Surgery & Spa MD
We are proud of our team of exceptional individuals! Each person contributes to the patient experience and the overall success of our practice.
Reviews Knoxville, TN | Our Practice | Gallaher Plastic Surgery & Spa MD
Reviews are important ways to measure the staff & service of a company. We invite you to read our reviews before you come & write reviews after your visit.
Contact Us | Knoxville Powell Loudon | Gallaher Plastic Surgery & Spa MD
We have 3 convenient locations, Kingston Pike in Knoxville, Emory Road in Powell, and Tellico Village, to address your cosmetic and skin care needs.
Locations | Powell, TN | Gallaher Plastic Surgery & Spa MD
Our location in Powell hosts surgical consults & post-op visits, as well as non-surgical body contouring, injectables, skin treatments, and spa services.