Gary Sieling – Software Architect – Ambler, PA
println(z.select("", List(("a", "B"))))
If you want to get what the user picked, z.select will return it:
val selection =
listBuckets.map((b) => (b, b)).sorted
if (selec...
Generating Machine Learning Models with Scikit-Learn - Gary Sieling
I've written previously about the mechanics of building decision trees: extract data from some system, build a model on it, then save the model in a file for later: Once you get that far, you'll likel...
scraping - Gary Sieling
Web scraping, harvesting, data extraction is the process of gathering data from websites. Various tools exist to download, clean, and process data, from built-in UNIX tools to custom software and prog...
Talks - Gary Sieling
I've co-organized conferences (Philly ETE, NE Scala) and the Philly Scala meetup. I've spoken at a number of conferences and meetups listed below. Metaprogramming in R (Philly Lambda - Sept 2022) RVA ...
Lessons from a Year of Working Remotely - Gary Sieling
I joined Element 84 as a remote employee about a year ago. As many people are switching to remote work, if temporarily, it seems like a good time to reflect on what I've learned. Workspace When you wo...
Proof of Concepts - Gary Sieling
Gary Sieling
In starting version two of https://www.findlectures.com/, I decided to look at some starter kits for building single page apps. There are so many of these that someone build a search engi...