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Different type of INDEXES in database / Primary Key - Unique Key – Geek Dirt
Normal Indexes : These are the most basic indexes, and have no restraints such as uniqueness or Null value. CREATE TABLE people ( peopleid SMALLINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, age SMALLINT , birth_yea...
Google Analytics Walkthrough – Geek Dirt
##Reports There are bascially 4-5 types of reports in google analytics: Real Time: As the name infers, it display information like how many users are currently visiting the site, what are their locati...
About me – Geek Dirt
Buddha My name is Shobhit Garg. I live in India. I am a Computer Science Graduate. After completing my graduation in 2012, I started working in Software Industry. I like reading geek stuff, working on...
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A blog on different Computer Science Technolgies,Programming Languages and Tools.