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About | Gemdale USA
Gemdale Corporation (“Gemdale”) is one of China’s largest and leading diversified real estate developers and is publicly-listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (600383:SH). Since its founding in 1988,...
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473 President Street | Gemdale USA
473 President Street A luxury residential rental building, located in the heart of Gowanus Brooklyn. The popular Gowanus neighborhood, long known for its industrial, artistic roots is undergoing a hig...
Gemdale USA to Develop New Medical Office Building at Mueller in Austin | Gemdale USA
Austin, Texas (January 13, 2021) Development continues at Mueller, the 700-acre site of Austin’s former airport, with the announcement of a new office development, which will primarily serve the area’...
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LaTerra and Gemdale Join Forces to Acquire World Class Los Angeles Site | Gemdale USA
Los Angeles, CA (April 26, 2016) Los Angeles based LaTerra Development and Gemdale Properties and Investments Corporation Limited (“Gemdale PI”, 535.HK), an affiliate of Gemdale Corporation (600383.SH...