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Popular pages
Contact – Gender Studies Research Group
About This Site This is the site of the Gender Studies Research Group of the English Department at the University of Szeged.
Students – Gender Studies Research Group
Students Here you will find information about our MA specialization, the list of our MA and Doctoral Students with their MA theses and PhD dissertation projects, along with application information. Cr...
Faculty – Gender Studies Research Group
Contact: Ady 3303 | | +36 62 544 526 | website Degree: PhD, Dr Habil, DEA, DSc (2007 PhD in Literature, University of Szeged, title: Body-Texts in Angela Carter’s Novel Trilogy...
eJournal: TNTeF – Gender Studies Research Group
Kedves Olvasók! A TNTeF folyóirat a 10. évfolyamtól új platformra költözött: a SZTE Klebelsberg Könyvtár által biztosított nyílt hozzáférésű (Open Access) megjelenési felületére, amely a világszerte...
Conferences – Gender Studies Research Group
You can also check out the conference program and abstracts. You can also check out the conference program, the abstracts and the bookcoverof the conference proceedings. You can also check out ...
Research – Gender Studies Research Group
Research Here you will find information about our research and publication projects, as well as announcements of current events either directly connected to our MA Program/Research Group, or related t...