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李根喜实验室 --小组成员
博士后:蔡佳利,干宁,刘丽芳,陈钟,顾海鹰,任晓峰, 徐锦忠,诸海滨,王静,王伟 黄吟曦,肖含,张昕,朱小立,陈桂芳,聂永军,朱志强, 杨茜璐,王 璟,赵 婧,许媛媛,叶宗煌,王兆寅,宁利敏, ...
Prof. Genxi Li's Lab -- Publications
2023 Engineered Escherichia coli as a controlled-release biocarrier for electrochemical immunoassay, Nano Lett., 2023, 23, 2854–2861 ...
Prof. Genxi Li's Lab -- People
Postdoctors: Jiali Cai, Ning Gan, Lifang Liu, Zhong Chen, Haiying Gu, Xiaofeng Ren, Jinzhong Xu, Haibin Zhu, Jing Wang, ...
Prof. Genxi Li's Lab -- Academic Research
With electrochemical methods combined with some other biological and chemical techniques, we mainly make researches on the electron transfer and surfa...
Prof. Genxi Li's Lab --Curriculum Vitae
Place of Birth: Jiaxiang County, Shandong Province, P. R. China 1988 ~1991 Master course graduate student, Chem.Dept., Anal. Chem. Specialty, Nanjing University ...
李根喜实验室 -- 主页
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