Geologic Maps - Utah Geological Survey
Geologic maps use a combination of colors, lines, and symbols to depict the relative age, composition, and relationships among rocks and sediments at and near the earth’s surface. Includes 7.5', 30x60...
Maps - Utah Geological Survey
UGS maps and accompanying booklets describe stratigraphy, structure, Quaternary geology, geologic hazards, economic geology, groundwater resources, and geologic resources. Maps are available...
Interactive Maps - Utah Geological Survey
Interactive Maps
Discover additional mapped content through these interactive web applications. Take a virtual tour of Utah geology, find rockhounding destinations, or access database...
Utah's Online Interactive Geologic Maps - Utah Geological Survey
Until now, Utah’s online geologic maps were difficult for the general public to find and view, lacking an online interface. With the advent of ArcGIS for Server, displaying Utah’s geologic maps in one...
Utah Landforms - Utah Geological Survey
Basin and Range Province
Steep, narrow, north-trending mountain ranges separated by wide, flat, sediment-filled valleys characterize the topography of the Basin and Range Province. The ranges started ...
Geologic History - Utah Geological Survey
Geologic History
Geologic History
Today, Utah is a land of great geologic diversity and scenery. Many factors have determined the evolution the state has undergone through time. In a sense, it could b...