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Georgia Rocks - by the authors of Roadside Geology of Georgia
As the rocking chair photo suggests, this homespun website is a retirement activity (for Bill). Despite its simplicity, the site is rich with opportunities to help you learn and teach about Georg...
Georgia Rocks - by the authors of Roadside Geology of Georgia
<![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]> If you have a collector in your family, welcome to the Georgia Rocks web site. Anyone can begin collecting rocks, minerals, and fossils in Georgia (subject to...
Georgia Rocks - by the authors of Roadside Geology of Georgia
Most of the road guides in Roadside Geology of Georgia contain individual geologic maps, which are simplified versions of those in the geologic literature, tagged with the locations mentioned i...
Georgia Rocks - by the authors of Roadside Geology of Georgia
The Investigating Rocks program for middle school presents eight rocks and how their textures tell the stories of their origins. Four are igneous rocks: scoria, obsidian, volcanic breccia, an...
Georgia Rocks - by the authors of Roadside Geology of Georgia
<![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]> Throughout the world, geology built the stage on which archaeology and history have played out. In Georgia, there is a geologic story behind the locations o...
Georgia Rocks - by the authors of Roadside Geology of Georgia
Your Billion-Year-Old Metagranite Rocks! If you have found this web page, you probably have received a piece of Corbin Metagranite, affectionately known as the beautiful blue-quartz-bearing billion-y...