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Thermal oil | Heat transfer fluid | Global Heat Transfer
Do you need support in choosing the correct thermal oil for your application? Get in touch with Global Heat Transfer on +44 (0)1785 760 555.
About Global Heat Transfer | HTF services | Condition monitoring
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High temperature heat transfer fluid | Heat transfer fluids | HTFs
Systems operating at high temperatures require high temperature heat transfer fluids to minimise degradation. Call +44 (0)1785 760 555
Heat transfer fluids | Heat transfer oil | Thermal fluid
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Heat transfer oil | Frequently asked questions about thermal oil
Here we answer frequently asked questions about heat transfer oil. If you have any further questions, call 01785 760 555
Thermal fluid filtration | Filter heat transfer oil | HTF testing
Unclear about the condition of your HTF? Our thermal fluid filtration service can help. Call +44 (0)1785 760 555 to speak to our team