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About GIF | GIF
4.2 BILLION people do not have safely managed sanitation services, Recognizing that public budgets alone are insufficient to fund these deficits, development finance instit...
What We Do | GIF
What We Do The GIF’s unique business model goes beyond traditional project preparation facilities. We address the lack of bankable infrastructure projects in emerging markets by providing funding and ...
Public Consultation - Sustainable Infrastructure (SI) Label / FAST-Infra Initiative | GIF
Public consultation on new sustainable infrastructure labeling system through August 30, 2021. The Global Infrastructure Facility is pleased to co-chair the Sustainable Infrastructure (SI) Label Wor...
2021 GIF Annual Highlights | GIF
-- The map below offers an overview of key regional and project support activities by GIF in FY21. Eight GIF supported projects reached commercial and/or financial close in FY21 and are expecte...
Operating Guidelines | GIF
Operating Guidelines The Global Infrastructure Facility Operating Guidelines provide specific guidance related to the procedures and processes applicable to GIF activities and operations.
The Global Infrastructure Facility (GIF) is a partnership among governments, multilateral development banks, private sector investors, and financiers. It is designed to provide a new way to collaborat...