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GMAC - Genetic Modification Advisory Committee, Singapore
about us Genetic modification (GM) is a technology with numerous applications, be it in agriculture, in biomedical research, or in industrial uses. It is a powerful technology with implications for va...
GMAC - Genetic Modification Advisory Committee, Singapore
Overview on GMAC guidelines Currently, Singapore does not have a dedicated umbrella legislation specific for the regulation of GM technology and its products. However, GMAC has released two sets of gu...
GMAC - Genetic Modification Advisory Committee, Singapore
The list of finalists for the GMAC Students Challenge 2015 is out! The Final Judging Round will be held at the Singapore Science Centre. To view the work of the finalists, please check out our Face...
GMAC - Genetic Modification Advisory Committee, Singapore
What are genetically modified (GM) microorganisms? A GM microorganism is a virus, bacterium or yeast in which the DNA has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. Initial efforts in genet...
GMAC - Genetic Modification Advisory Committee, Singapore
What are genetically modified (GM) animals? They are animals that have had changes made to their DNA through molecular techniques. Changes in the DNA give these animals new characteristics. Transgeni...
GMAC - Genetic Modification Advisory Committee, Singapore
1. What does the GMAC Subcommittee on Public Awareness do? The GMAC Subcommittee on Public Awareness is tasked with the responsibility to disseminate information that is objective, factual and scient...