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Cospans and Computation - Part 2 | The n-Category Café
In this second part we discuss an application of structured cospans to network security! Application: Intrusion detection in computer networks The revolution of the internet, short for internetwork, h...
December 2021 Archives | The n-Category Café
December 1, 2021 Posted by David Corfield When we started this blog back in 2006 my co-founders were both interested in higher gauge theory. Their paths diverged as Urs looked to adapt these construc...
Data Visualization Course | The n-Category Café
which contains the following: “The London Mathematical Society has been informed that the University of Leicester is consulting over a proposal to reduce the size of its Pure Mathematics Group to be t...
July 2022 Archives | The n-Category Café
July 16, 2022 Posted by John Baez Now that I’ve retired, I have more time for pure math. So after a roughly decade-long break, James Dolan and I are talking about math again. Here are our conversat...
June 2022 Archives | The n-Category Café
The n-Category Café Skip to the Main Content Note:These pages make extensive use of the latest XHTML and CSS Standards. They ought to look great in any standards-compliant modern browser. Unfortunatel...
October 2021 Archives | The n-Category Café
October 28, 2021 Posted by John Baez Do you like the idea of learning applied category theory by working on a project, as part of a team led by an expert? If you’re an early career researcher you can...