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Good Cook Doris: Mmm...muffins...meatloaf muffins
Mmm...muffins...meatloaf muffins About three or four years ago I watched a 30 Minute Meals episode where Rachael Ray made meatloaf muffins. Growing up, we never had meatloaf. When I moved out on my o...
Good Cook Doris: Easy Entertaining with Trader Joe’s
As I mentioned in the previous post, my mother-in-law is an expert at using Trader Joe’s ingredients to make quick and flavorful meals. She...
Good Cook Doris: Smokin’ Backyard Cookout: Part 1
The smoke has cleared and I’m excited to share my latest cooking adventure! Over the last two summers I did a fair amount of smoking using...
Good Cook Doris: Boston Brunchers: The Cottage in Chestnut Hill
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Good Cook Doris: A Holiday Meal Stuffed with Flavor and Fun - Turducken!
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Good Cook Doris: Beth From Denver: Vegetable Stock and Vegetable Chili
salt and pepper I was making soup for a large group of people, so I doubled the ingredients and combined them all with 12 cups of water in a pot. After bringing to a boil, I turned the heat down and...