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The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop | It's bigger than bikes.
Hi there do you have an interest in cycling culture, feminism, social justice, and skill sharing? Do you have knowledge and skills in one or more areas of Board governance: policy, finance, personnel,...
Workshops & Events | The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop
Sep 7 @ 11:00 am – Apr 4 @ 6:00 pm From 11:00pm to 6:00pm every Wednesday, Good Life is reserved for use by women and non-binary individuals exclusively. With a mechanic or two on hand, participan...
Bike Theft | The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop
Please visit the Stolen Bike Gallery, a collaborative effort with Bike Calgary. The Good Life deals with a lot of used bikes. We only accept bikes as donations, which means that we will never pay anyo...
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Steps to Take if Your Bike is Stolen | The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop
Stolen Bike? 1. Notify the Police If there are suspects or investigative follow-up is required (e.g., if the area where you locked your bike is covered by video surveillance or if there are witnesses)...
Documents | The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop
A Library of important documents from the Good Life