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General Ocean Turbulence Model
About GOTM
Menu About GOTM Welcome to the General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM), which is a one-dimensional water column model for studying hydrodynamic and biogeochemical processes in marine and limnic waters. ...
Overview Get GOTM For now we do not provide pre-compiled versions of GOTM for Linux and Mac. The main reason being that all pre-requisites for building locally are readily available on these platform...
Software GOTM is relative easy to install and run on most operating systems - just follow the instructions carefully. Begin change as of 2019-06-14 On 2019-06-14 we have updated the CMake configuratio...
GOTM release - v5.0
GOTM release - v5.0 October 11, 2017 Knut Klingbeil, Jorn Bruggeman, Lars Umlauf, Hans Burchard and Karsten Bolding will like to announce the new version of GOTM - v5.0. Af...
GOTM release - v5.2
GOTM release - v5.2 March 7, 2018 As a consequence of the more streamlined release model we are now ready with a new release of GOTM - version 5.2. Updating the stable vers...