6:15 am
6:00 am
6:15 am
7:00 am
No-Gi 6-9 Years old (All Levels)
10:00 am
10:30 am
10:00 am
No-Gi 10-14 years old
Adult Open Mat
4-6 years old
4-6 year...
The Academy
The Academy
Charles Gracie Academy Richmond District, we are driven by two
fundamental beliefs.
The first is that Jiu-jitsu is the single greatest thing to bring into their lives for any person re...
BJJ Belts & Stripes
BJJ Belts & Stripes
The Gracie Jiu
-Jitsu Belt System
The belt and stripe
system in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is similar to all others. But there is
a very big difference in how the belts are awarded
The Story Of The Mural
The Story Of The Mural
The Story Of The Mural
One of the more interesting features of our school is the wall we dedicated to the founders of the art of Jiu Jitsu. Master Carlos Gracie, Charles Gracie’...
Why Jiu-Jitsu
Why Jiu-Jitsu
Out of all the martial arts available in this area, why would someone choose Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?
This is one of the most common questions that our visiting guests
ask. Brazilian Jiu-Ji...
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Jiu-jitsu
Jiu-jitsu is an ancient form of hand to hand combat. Developed centuries ago, and evolved over all that time, primarily in Asia, until the skills were demo...