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PLANTING - Grapevines Galore
Planting Instructions The best time for planting your grapevines is after March 15th to the end of May. When you are ready to plant, please contact us by email and/or by phone two weeks prior to shi...
ABOUT - Grapevines Galore
Grapevines Galore was founded by Dawn and Chris Lindelof, who both graduated from California State University, Fresno in 1994 with degrees in Plant Science. Chris' emphasis was in Viticulture and Dawn...
SHOP - Grapevines Galore
Grapevines Galore does not provide consultation or give recommendations on varieties, clones, or rootstock selections. We encourage growers to do their own research in finding a suitable variety for t...
FAQ - Grapevines Galore
FAQ When do I order and plant my grapevines?grapesgalore2024-08-12T22:32:03+00:00 We take orders all year round but only ship February 1 – June 30th. We recommend planting the vines after March 15th a...
Riesling - Grapevines Galore
For more information about the Riesling grape, click here.
Barbera - Grapevines Galore
For more information about the Barbera grape, click here.