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MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
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HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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The GreenStep 29 best practices | GreenstepCities
The GreenStep 29 best practices Make planning and tracking easier download this spreadsheet that lists all unique actions – approximately 175 – for all 29 best practices. Cities that implement a minim...
Greenstep Programs | GreenstepCities
The Minnesota GreenStep program is a challenge, assistance, and recognition program for communities working toward sustainability actions and outcomes. Visit our community pages below.
About Us | GreenstepCities
History and development During fall 2007, Minnesota's Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) held regional listening sessions around the state to discuss community-based energy opportunities and the stat...
Overview | GreenstepCities
The Steps - click on each to learn more: Build community interest; have program staff visit your community; join GreenStep by adopting a council resolution Post brief info on this website about what ...
GreenStep Welcome Guide Feb 2023 | GreenstepCities
Step 1 | GreenstepCities
Inventory your completed, planned, and desired best practice actions. You may find it helpful to prepare this inventory before seeking a council resolution. Pass a Council Resolution. Use the sample...