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About - Grftr News
This page answers some of your burning questions. Find out who we are, what we aim to achieve, what a grifter is, and our goals with the Grftr project.
Welcome to Grftr! - Grftr News
An intro post about who I am and what I want to acomplish on this website with your help! Join me today to help combat grifters.
Grftr Forum – Grftr News
Grftr Discussion Board
An Introduction to Grifting - Grftr News
What is grifting? Who is a grifter? Why do they do it? And what can be done about it? We try to answer all that and more.
Unmasked by Andy Ngo: Short on Truth, High in Ragebait - Grftr News
'Unmasked' is a 2021 book by the rightwing journalist Andy Ngo. An early excerpt of the book is littered with errors and misrepresentations.
- Blog - Grftr News