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About HVFD | Haines Volunteer Fire Department
HVFD HISTORY Called to fires by the Presbyterian Mission bell back in the early days (circa 1910-1940's), we would pull our home-made hose carts to the fire by hand. It was a good thing the army post ...
Contact Us | Haines Volunteer Fire Department
Dial 911 for Emergency Response. For all other Fire Department contacts: Haines Volunteer Fire Department PO Box 849 Haines AK. 99827 Phone: 907-766-6441 Email:
Haines Volunteer Fire Department
Here you will find the requisite transition lessons for EMT 1 to bridge to the new scope of practice implemented by State of Alaska in 2019. Lessons include, but are not limited to: oral analgesia, CP...
Training | Haines Volunteer Fire Department
Online Training Portal Joint Company Training 2nd Monday of Each Month. Business meeting starts at 7 pm with training to follow at 7:30pm. Ambulance Training 3rd Monday of Each Month. Training starts ...
Evacuation | Haines Volunteer Fire Department
Immediate risk: If you smell gas, smoke or see fire or otherwise fear for your safety, evacuate household occupants immediately. From a safe location, call 9-1-1 and report the incident. General evacu...
HVFD Vignettes | Haines Volunteer Fire Department
When did the Haines Volunteer Fire Department really organize? What piece of fire department equipment lies under 2000' of water? What happened to I.B. Howser during a fire at the Harbor Bar? When did...