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Here we bring you all the information you need to know about hajj which is one of the five pillars of Islam.
Hajj Services Directory
Hajj Services Directory
General Information about Hajj
General Informatin about Hajj Here you will find some general information about the different aspects of hajj which includes an overview of what is hajj, how to perform hajj, things to take on hajj a...
Hajj Travelling Agency
Hajj Travelling Agency Hajj Travelling Agency Different Hajj travelling agencies are approved by the Ministry of Hajj which should be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Based on this list, t...
Hajj Ministry
Hajj Ministry Hajj Ministry The Ministry of Hajj is the authority that is concerned with the implementation of the State policy connected with Hajj, pilgrims and performers of Umrah. ...
Hajj Corruption in Pakistan
Hajj Corruption in Pakistan Pakistani Senator Mr. Latif Khosa, the counsel of Hamid Saeed Kazmi had an objection over Azam Khan Swati saying that as a cabinet minister he was a party in the corruption...