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Homepage for Dr. Michael Weeks
CSc 3210 - Computer Organization and Programming (Assembly language: JVM, SPARC, or Intel x86, depending on the semester taught) CSc 2311 - Principles of Computer Programming II (C++) (this class is ...
Topics in csc3320, Fall 2023
CSC 3320 SYSTEM-LEVEL PROGRAMMING Fall Semester 2023 There are Labs due every week. There are approximately 4 homework assignments (more in-depth than the labs). There are approximately 5 quizzes. ...
CSc 4210/6210 Computer Architecture Syllabus
Hennessy and Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach. 3rd Edition. Morgan Kaufmann 2002. (You do not need to purchase this, but it is a good reference). We will discuss transistors ...
CSc 3320
Final Exam schedule Class Materials Always put your name in the comments in your code. You should not be using other people's code in your programs. If you do, you must indicate what it is (i...
CSc 8210 Advanced Computer Architecture
TA's office: office hours will be held via Webex TA's e-mail address: yzhong3 [at] student [dot] gsu [dot] edu FINAL EXAM The Final Exam will be presentations, including December 8, 2021, from 16:...
Michael Weeks - ECV
Michael Weeks Georgia State University University of Louisville Speed School - B. E. S. in Engineering Math and Computer Science (EMACS) 1993 Bioinformatics Programming Fundamentals Using MATL...