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City of Hampton | City of Hampton | Virginia Tech
Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, reg...
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Getting Started in the Vegetable Garden Learn the basics to help you get through your first season with Virginia Cooperative Extension!Please send questions to Gaylynn Johnson, ANR/Hort Extension Ag...
Hampton Extension Master Gardener | City of Hampton | Virginia Tech
A Hampton Extension Master Gardener is available to answer any lawn and garden questions. Click below for more information on how to contact the Master Gardeners.
Agriculture and Natural Resources | City of Hampton | Virginia Tech
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Virginia Family Nutrition Program | City of Hampton | Virginia Tech
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Get Involved | City of Hampton | Virginia Tech
Get Involved Virginia Cooperative Extension relies on volunteers to accomplish its mission. We believe that active citizen involvement in our programs makes a difference in our success. The work of vo...