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About Handfaste
Online or in The Viking Shop in Stockholms Old Town. Thors hammers, viking jewellery, amulets, ironware and much more.
Objects Scissors Viking Age scissors were made of iron. The most common being the same type as sheep shearing scissors. Scissors with crossed blades like scissors of today were also used but were not...
How to shop >>
How to shop To order a product from us online, browse the site for products of interest. Next to each product you will have the option of adding it to your Shopping basket. Adding a product to your Sh...
Cutlery set | Scissors and cutlery - Iron & wood | Handfaste.s
Cutlery set - Handforged 3-piece iron cutlery set.Length: knife 21 cm, fork 21 cm, spoon 19 cm.
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Om Handfaste
Online eller i vikingabutiken i hjärtat av Gamla stan. Torshammare, vikingasmycken, keltiska smycken, smide och mycket mer.