About - Hans Chen
I'm an atmospheric and climate scientist studying climate variability and change, atmospheric dynamics, and terrestrial carbon cycle dynamics. In my research I combine observations, theory, and numeri...
Research - Hans Chen
Research interests Climate variability and change Large-scale atmospheric dynamics Arctic climate and mid-latitude linkages Carbon cycle dynamics Data assimilation Inverse modeling of greenhouse gas f...
Links - Hans Chen
Research pages These pages contain more information about research that I have conducted, including links to download data and figures: Köppen climate classification Barents Oscillation Research proje...
Publications - Hans Chen
function showAbstract(abstract) { var x = document.getElementById(abstract); if (x.style.display === "none") { x.style.display = "block"; } else { x.style.display = "none"; } } function showAllAbstrac...
Barents Oscillation - Hans Chen
The Barents Oscillation is a wintertime atmospheric mode in the Northern Hemisphere that has implications for the Arctic climate. This page contains information about the Barents Oscillation, includin...
Köppen climate classification - Hans Chen
The purpose of this page is to share information about the Köppen climate classification, and to provide data and high-resolution figures from the paper Chen and Chen, 2013: Using the Köppen classific...