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Happiness Alliance Blog
What is the Happiness Index? And what do you mean by happiness? The Happiness Index, is a scientifically validated survey that accurately reflects happiness and generates results that reflect quality ...
Happiness Alliance Blog: Happiness Index Survey Taker FAQs
Questions People who take the Happiness Index Frequently Ask & their Answers (FAQs) What is the Happiness Index? And what do you mean by ...
Happiness Alliance Blog: Big Data for Bigger Happiness?
Big data officially hit the happiness movement at the World Government Summit mid-February in Dubai. This blog post is the third that repo...
Happiness Alliance Blog: Is Your Happiness Culturally Relevant?
There is a common and dangerous misunderstanding in the happiness movement. It is that happiness measurements should be culturally ...
Happiness Alliance Blog: A Happy State: The Happiness Ministers (part 2 of 3)
To date only two nations and one state host offices of happiness: United Arab Emirates, Bhutan and the state of Madhya Pradesh, India....
Happiness Alliance Blog: What's Gross about Happiness?
Laura's chalk happiness excursions This is the first of twelve posts for 2016 that explain the work of the Happiness Alliance, the Gros...