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MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
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HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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We Are Hark - Hark Pictures
Hark Pictures is a Birmingham based, West Midland film & video Production company making distinctive documentaries for cinema, television and the web.
About - Hark Pictures - film docs for cinema, television and the web.
Hark Pictures are all about Producing branded content and distinctive documentaries for Cinema, TV and online.
Blog - Hark Pictures
Read Hark Pictures Blog and keep up to date with all our completed jobs, new stories, future projects and generally everything else we've up to.
Documentary - Hark Pictures
Documentary +44 (0)121 288 8604
Graphic Design - Logos, Flyers, DVD Menus/Sleeves, Title Sequences
We offer graphic design, logo design promotional literature brochures poster flyers business cards DVD Menus & Sleeves and Title Sequences
Professional Client testimonial for Hark pictures
Client testimonial for Hark pictures: Every service they have provided for me has been of high quality, professionally delivered and with good cheer.